New project - fresh out of the oven

The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct (JHHIP) team joined together recently to marvel at a unique piece of infrastructure – a life-size Gingerbread House.

This new structure certainly isn’t half-baked and is spreading Christmas cheer around the John Hunter campus.

In all seriousness, the JHHIP team thought this fantastic Gingerbread House display, arranged by the John Hunter Children’s Hospital, was the perfect location for a team Christmas photo.

The project team achieved many milestones in 2023. We started planning for the new campus road network and reconfigured some carparks to support this. We named and coloured the cranes and took hospital staff on tours of the prototype rooms, which are close replicas of what we’ll see in the new building. We saw the development site progress significantly when the Acute Services Building started to emerge from the ground.

Next year, we’ll be working towards the ‘topping out’ of the seven-storey JHHIP Acute Services Building, which refers to the establishment of the building’s height and structure.

The integrated JHHIP project team featuring staff from Health Infrastructure, Hunter New England Local Health District and the APP Group.