John Hunter Health & Innovation Precinct

The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project will transform healthcare services for Newcastle, the greater Hunter region and northern NSW communities. 
The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project will deliver an innovative and integrated precinct with industry-leading facilities.  The project will work in collaboration with health, education and research partners to meet the current and future needs of the greater Newcastle, Hunter New England and northern NSW regions.

The NSW Government has committed $835 million to redevelop the John Hunter and John Hunter Children's Hospital.

Community Benefits

The redevelopment will:

  • Deliver enhanced and expanded facilities with a new seven-storey acute services building
  • Deliver a new Emergency Department to meet a projected future demand of over 95,000 presentations per annum
  • Double the capacity of the Intensive Care Unit and provide capacity for future expansion
  • Provide 22 operating theatres and nine interventional suites to respond to significantly increasing demand
  • Deliver five procedure rooms for endoscopy and minor procedures
  • Provide purpose-built flexible education space co-located within clinical services


The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project is being delivered in partnership with Health Infrastructure and Hunter New England Local Health District